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2 months to go!

When we embarked on this project in November 2022, I could never have anticipated or planned the chain of events that have brought us to this point. Miracle after miracle has come our way - like many encouragements from Heaven that have sustained us through the weight and the uncertainties of this adventure.

These miracles range from the donation of 0.51 euros (yes, 51 cents) from a 5-year-old child in Vietnam (I'll tell you more about that soon) to the relationship that we have developed with the current owners.

If someone had told me in September 2022 that by summer we'd have a building purchase project of this scale, I wouldn't have believed it! And yet here we are - by God's grace and goodness.

But it's not over yet. We still have a way to go.

Our target is to raise €1 million in donations by August 15th. We are now at €220,000 - or 22% of our target.

The €780,000 gap seems huge, but nothing is impossible. More than that, we believe in it because this project has been guided by God all along.

If we take this million euros, which represents our first step in this project, it's equivalent to €55 per place per week over the building's capacity over one year (350 places over 52 weeks). By contributing €55, you give the opportunity of an extra place for one person in Paris, for life! In reality, it's much bigger than that, because you'd be facilitating a multitude of activities, training courses, discipleship and leadership training events - in short, multitudes of lives transformed by the gospel! And that's not counting the leaders who will be raised up or the church plants that will be facilitated from this location. It's exponential!

I would like to invite you to the opportunity to be part of this story, by contributing financially with us - whether it's 0.51 euros, one place per week (55€), one place for the year (2,860€) or all the places over one week (19,250€). There are no small donations. Every euro counts.

Our heartfelt thanks on behalf of those who will benefit from it into the future.

Frédéric Dalais

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