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A glorious Sunday!

Here is a snapshot of our last Sunday, which was glorious. We love to see people turn to Christ, testify of their faith, get baptised as a step of obedience and the whole church community celebrate together. What a joy!

Video :

This is why we came to Paris 14 years ago and started Eglise La Cité. This is also what we want to see multiplied across the city of Paris and the nation of France.

We were reminded again that our Paris Epicentre Project is about so much more than a building. It is about having a tool for the task of seeing people turning to God in faith and seeing their lives transformed. It is about Jesus being worshipped. It is about multiplying what we see in our church across the city of Paris through raising and training leaders. It is about reaching our surrounding community, making disciples for our neighbourhood and nation.

Would you consider partnering with us in the Gospel in Paris and in France?

As of today, we still need 440 000€ to make our target to take the first step into our building on August 15th.

A day of fasting and prayer this Tuesday, June 27th

Join us in fasting and prayer this Tuesday, June 27th - with 2 prayer meetings of 30 minutes each on Zoom and a face-to-face prayer meeting (Ensemble).

Prayer meetings on Zoom: 7am, 12:30pm (Zoom ID: 779 0461 1362 / Secret code: PRAY23)

ENSEMBLE in-person prayer meeting: 7:45pm at the church office (94 Blvd. Auguste Blanqui)

Also note that we pray on 2 other slots on Zoom each week (for 30 minutes): Wednesday and Friday at 8am (Zoom ID: 779 0461 1362 / Secret code: PRAY23). All are welcome!

Thank you!

Frédéric Dalais


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